Photo research
- Shot type- medium close up
- Angle- straight shot angle
- Artist- Pharrell Williams
- Effects- none
- Turquoise background
- Representations- Sunglasses and maybe a Sombrero
- Posture- looking straight at the camera no folding arms or any movement
- Lighting- Low key, a shadow is created behind him to represent the sun and that its hot which links to his clothing.
- Costume- Mexican theme possibly with the sombrero and the woolen jacket
- Mode of address- Standing tall no movement just staring towards the camera which is direct. The camera could represent the audience.
- Props- none

- Shot type- long close up and left frame
- Angle- slightly high angle
- Artist- Rihanna
- Effects- none
- White background
- Representations-
- Posture- leaning to her right filling the left side of the photo
- lighting- High key, no shadow is created behind her
- Costume- black dress and has pick lipstick and blue eyeliner
- Mode of Address- Direct to the camera even though she is learning
- Props- The blue Crystallized bird sitting on her shoulder
- Shot types- long shot
- Angle- straight shot angle
- Artist- Florence and the machine
- Effects- none
- White background
- Set- standing in the middle of all the worlds famous landmarks from Big Ben to Eiffel tower to the Statue of liberty
- Representations-
- Posture- Arms on hips
- Lighting- High key no shadow
- Costume- quite revealing
- Mode of Address- Direct
- Props- none
- Shot type- close up
- Angle- straight angle shot
- Artist- Cheryl Cole
- Dark background
- Effects- Water coming from above on to Cheryl Cole to maybe represent rain
- Representations-
- Posture- hand near mouth holding a metal object, tongue out to touch object.
- Lighting- high key no shadow
- Costume- Black leather jacket to go with dark theme, red lipstick and black eyeliner
- Mode of Address- Direct at the Camera
- Props- Metal object
- Shot type- medium shot
- Angle- Low angle
- Artist- Muse
- Space background
- Effects- none
- Representations-
- Posture- Standing tall (Middle) has his head slightly turned to his left where everyone else has there head straight.
- Lighting- high key
- Costume- Casual (right) has a necklace
- Mode of Address- (Middle) Direct at the camera (left and right) looks straight ahead away from the camera Indirect
- Props- none
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