Monday, 29 February 2016

Contents page final design update

This what I have made so far for the contents page. In my design I continued to use the same colour scheme which I used on the front cover. The title is at 150 front size and underneath the title I added the date and website link to show the reader the date it was released but also advertise the website. On the right hand side of the page I added a issue number at the top of the page and next to it a picture of the front cover. I did this cause I thought I could use some of the ideas from existing magazines which I research before for example Q magazine has both issue number and the front cover on the same side of the page. The logo is next to the magazine on my contents page.

As you can see the front cover is next to the issue number which is smaller than most of the titles. Also on my contents page I have 4 locations for pictures which are a bigger font than the rest of the stories on the page. This would separate the big stories from less important stories. The number of pages are at the far sides of the magazine leaving space for the bigger stories that will have the images in the middle. The colour scheme will give the text some variety and importance as it symbolises what type they are. For example Gold is used for headings and Black for stories. The background colour sticks to the front cover as it borders are white so it fits to the style of the magazine. To get this together I used guidelines to accurately create a borders to help place these in the right position. Plus it can help me locate the middle of the page so I don't overlap the opposite side of the double page spread.

Thursday, 25 February 2016

Front Cover for Pop Era

This is my final Front cover that I created from scratch.

Contents page research

These are some of the contents pages that I have found. As you can see most of the pictures and one page as it is more common in magazines than double page. However there some that are double spread and have more images and text than single as it has more space to include more images and text to show the reader whats included. The conventions of a contents page is that there is a title, use of images, uses a column structure, contents heading, page numbers, house style eg. colour font, layout, composition, captions- anchorage. Each Contents page has a picture of the main story which is on front cover to go with the issue. Some magazines have issue numbers at the top of the page instead of a title to show variety and to have the front cover next to it represent it. The House style is normal and it keeps the same colour scheme as the front cover. However it leaves the background plain white to show the text more clearly and give images more attraction instead of blending in to a dark background. The images are scattered in different issues providing more of a new attractive view for the reader. In these contents pages the text represented as stories are normally located on one side of the magazine providing room to fill in more stories and information.

Photo research

  • Shot type- medium close up
  • Angle- straight shot angle
  • Artist- Pharrell Williams
  • Effects- none
  • Turquoise background
  • Representations- Sunglasses and maybe a Sombrero 
  • Posture- looking straight at the camera no folding arms or any movement
  • Lighting- Low key, a shadow is created behind him to represent the sun and that its hot which links to his clothing.
  • Costume- Mexican theme possibly with the sombrero and the woolen jacket
  • Mode of address- Standing tall no movement just staring towards the camera which is direct. The camera could represent the audience.
  • Props- none

  • Shot type- long close up and left frame 
  • Angle- slightly high angle
  • Artist- Rihanna 
  • Effects- none
  • White background 
  • Representations
  • Posture- leaning to her right filling the left side of the photo
  • lighting- High key, no shadow is created behind her
  • Costume- black dress and has pick lipstick and blue eyeliner
  • Mode of Address- Direct to the camera even though she is learning 
  • Props- The blue Crystallized bird sitting on her shoulder

  • Shot types- long shot 
  • Angle- straight shot angle
  • Artist- Florence and the machine
  • Effects- none
  • White background
  • Set- standing in the middle of all the worlds famous landmarks from Big Ben to Eiffel tower to the Statue of liberty 
  • Representations
  • Posture- Arms on hips
  • Lighting- High key no shadow
  • Costume- quite revealing 
  • Mode of Address- Direct 
  • Props- none

  • Shot type- close up
  • Angle- straight angle shot 
  • Artist- Cheryl Cole 
  • Dark background 
  • Effects- Water coming from above on to Cheryl Cole to maybe represent rain
  • Representations
  • Posture- hand near mouth holding a metal object, tongue out to touch object.
  • Lighting- high key no shadow
  • Costume- Black leather jacket to go with dark theme, red lipstick and black eyeliner
  • Mode of Address- Direct at the Camera
  • Props- Metal object 

  • Shot type- medium shot 
  • Angle- Low angle
  • Artist- Muse
  • Space background 
  • Effects- none
  • Representations-
  • Posture- Standing tall (Middle) has his head slightly turned to his left where everyone else has there head straight.
  • Lighting- high key
  • Costume- Casual (right) has a necklace 
  • Mode of Address- (Middle) Direct at the camera (left and right) looks straight ahead away from the camera Indirect
  • Props- none